Hair everywhere but not on the top of the head! The most common indication of excessive hair fall in men and women is the top of the head. In men alopecia is characterized by balding spots on the top of the scalp and in women it is recognized by increased parting size and recession of hairline. Hair plays an important role in defining our personality, identity how we look at ourselves. Hair loss can be a devastating experience and often leads to loss in self-esteem, depression, and withdrawal from society. Modern hair restoration treatments make a better choice than the traditional treatments that were invasive and often did not give the desired results.

The hair on the body have a natural growth, shedding and regrowth cycle of their own. The old hair gets replaced by new and therefore normal hair fall for about 50-100 hair for women and 25—50 hair for men is common and not cause of worry. However, if you notice more hair fall than normal or if you are suddenly facing a problem of dry, itchy scalp, and frizzy hair with spilt ends then it means that the hair is demanding attention.

Four phases of hair growth are

Anagen (growth phase): This phase lasts for two to seven years and determines the length of the hair.

Catagen (transition phase): This phase lasts for about 14-21 days and in this, the follicle shrinks and the hair detaches itself.

Telogen phase: This phase lasts for about three months and in this new hair begins to grow and the old hair is pushed out. The end of telogen is known as exogen when the new hair continues to grow and the old hair sheds off the scalp.

What causes hair loss?

Many lifestyle, hormonal and health factors can cause mild to severe hair loss. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. The most common causes of hair loss are:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Iron deficiency
  3. PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome in women)
  4. Endocrine diseases such as hypoparathyroidism, diabetes, Cushing syndrome, growth hormone deficiency etc.
  5. Improper hair styling and harsh hair products
  6. Eating disorders and improper diet and hydration
  7. Genetics
  8. Hormonal imbalance and unsupervised use of excessive medication
  9. Stress
  10. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy
  11. In correct use of chemical treatments
  12. Diseases in digestive system
  13. Hot and cold temperature

Type of hair loss

Hair loss can happen at any age and any of the above mentioned reasons can cause hair loss. The correct treatment will depend on the correct identification of the type of hair loss such as androgenetic alopecia, traction alopecia, telogen effluvium, Trichotillomania, Anagen effluvium, Alopecia areata, lose anagen syndrome, and hair shaft defects. Some common symptoms of hair loss are gradual thinking on the top of the head, circular bald spots, sudden loosening of hair, and patches of hair fall from different parts of the scalp.

Non-surgical Hair rejuvenation treatments

The traditional methods of pills, lotions, and hair transplant do not work for everyone. Pills and lotions need to applied forever if you want their effects to last long and hair transplant actually does not grow more hair,it just distributes and spreads hair out more evenly. Moreover, hair transplant is a costly and invasive and time consuming procedure. Innovative non-surgical hair rejuvenation procedures can be used to successfully restore your natural hair and promote hair growth. There is no one size hair regrowth and hair fall treatment that fits all. Your dermatologist or trichologist at The Skin World will be able to guide you to the correct nonsurgical treatment that will benefit your hair type.

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Dr. R.M. Singh

Experience the full spectrum of result-oriented whitening treatments tailored to your individual body and social preferences, administered by the top Skin and Hair Doctor in Kanpur. Our approach is both safe and cost-effective. Begin your journey with a skin test to determine the most suitable treatment for you.


There are only two FDA approved medications for non-surgical hair rejuvenation that are available over the counter and can be used safely. These are


This comes under the brand name of Rogaine and has been used for hair regrowth for more than a decade now. This medication is to be applied directly to the scalp once or twice per day and is suitable for both men and women. Minoxidil is most suitable for the treatment of alopecia.

Finasteride: This medical is a prescription drug that is most suitable for hair loss treatment in India for men. Finasteride helps in stopping hair fall but does not help cure baldness. This comes under the brand name Propecia.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy

PRP therapy is a slightly invasive procedure in which the doctor takes some of the patient’s blood, spins it through the centrifuge to separate the plasma rich platelets and then the same platelets are injected back in patients scalp using micro needling. The platelets are rich in growth factor proteins and help heal the hair follicles. PRP treatment takes multiple sittings and a booster does is need every six months to help maintain the hair growth. There are no side effects of PRP but it can cause a little pain and number sensation in the scalp during the injections.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) uses lasers to increase the blood supply to hair follicles and stimulate them from anagen phase to telogen phase, increase the anagen phase duration and growth rate and prevent premature catagen phase. The controlled lasers don’t get hot or burn the skin or tissue but instead they improve the circulation in scalp and bring nutrients to the hair follicles. LLLT is available in forms of combs, helmet and or you can do it in a doctor’s office. The results take about six months to appear. Some side effects of LLLT are dry skin, slight tenderness in scalp and irritation.

Stem Cell therapy

Damaged and dead hair follicles prevent hair growth but with stem cell treatment for hair loss, the stem cells injected in the scalp with the help injections to stimulate the hair cells by renewing themselves in the hair follicles and the new hair start growing. Half the stem cells replace the dormant stem cells and half take the place of the hair growth cells in the place. This treatment method is a lengthy and a costly process but there are no chances of side effects. Pain, dermatitis, and recurrence of alopecia in some cases are the common side effects of stem cell therapy.

Who is the right candidate?

A good candidate for Non-surgical hair rejuvenation is a persona who is of sound health and has a treatable form of hair loss. If the hair follicles are dead, burnt or completely dormant then the hair growth treatments will not be successful.

First understand what is causing the hair loss, is it a seasonal thing or a chronic issue and they decide on the treatment that will suit your expectations. Discuss with expert doctors about your options and long term goals.